Toyah Wilcox was interviewed about her insomnia and how acupuncture helped her. But she found, like a lot of others, that her other conditions are also alleviated by the treatment. Most acupuncturists like myself work “holistically”. This means that it targets whole body healing because many conditions are connected and get solved by redressing the energetic imbalance. It is like a bonus of acupuncture treatment that you feel better all round besides having your particular symptom alleviated.
Video length 4:58
Camilla Dallerup might be better known to followers of “Strictly Come Dancing” but anyone who dances or is physically active will enjoy this video. She is also a sufferer of back pain due to her dancing lifestyle and finds that acupuncture is a great help for her condition. Many sports can result in overuse problems with joints and muscles which treatment will help, but Classical Five Element acupuncture also allows a person to be more in-tune with their body. This means that the athlete can train right up to their limits yet be aware enough to avoid over-training that results in injury.
Video length 3:36
I have not succumbed to the celebrity culture here! Due to the limitations imposed by the advertising watchdogs, acupuncturists cannot freely specify what their craft is good for. Using an unknown patient to sing the praises of acupuncture could be less effective as it might be thought that person could be a friend or relative of the therapist! Using well-known personalities of course avoids this.
Other “celebrities” who have publicised their use of acupuncture are Jennifer Lopez, Sheryl Crow, Jennifer Aniston, Kim Kardashian, Sandra Bullock, Matt Damon, Celine Dion, Robert Downey, Jr., Penelope Cruz, Mariah Carey, Natalie Portman, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jessica Simpson, Brad Pitt and Stephen Collins. Not everyone will make public their use of acupuncture for a variety of reasons, some possibly because certain sections of the media are hostile to all complementary health. Especially if pharmaceutical companies advertise in their media.