Articles – Acupuncture and Health

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This is one of the most common block. Similar to the spleen-heart block, the cause of this is varied. It happens more post festivities such as Christmas, which is linked with indulging excessively. As the block is cleared by acupuncture treatment, future liver-lung block can be kept at bay with Qi Gong […]

Liver-Lung Block

One of the many functions of an acupuncture treatment is to find blocks in the deep inter-meridian channels and to clear them. These blocks can come back over time with life stresses and constitutional make up. I show patients how to keep the channels clear by specific stretches that are […]

Keep Meridians Unblocked by Stretching

spleen heart block
This Spleen Heart block can affect a plethora of symptoms including joint pain, hormonal imbalances, headaches, gastric problems and lethargy. It can be caused by constitutional factors, inappropriate lifestyle and/or living environment. Acupuncture will clear the block but it might take more than one treatment before it appears properly. This is […]

Anatomy of the Spleen Heart Block

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“How many treatments are required?“ This is a very common and valid question from a patient or a prospective one.  Yet it is quite a difficult question to answer because of the WAAUI effect (we are all unique individuals). But perhaps a way of answering the question would be to […]

Number of Treatments Needed

Once you start to get better, how you can continue improving and maintain a good level of health and well-being by having a treatment when the seasons start to change. My video below explains  how the seasonal shifts affect us. Video length: 10:36 minutes Suggested treatment months are: Autumn – […]

Seasonal Maintenance Treatment

What is this placebo effect Yes, what really is this placebo thing? Just consider, this effect says that we humans can get better without any real outside intervention, be it medicine, injections, surgery or whatever. Wow this is an amazing ability, I would say – wouldn’t you? Many research studies have […]

The Power of Our Mind

This article is looks at how you can get the most benefit from your acupuncture treatment. It also looks at the role that some aspect of your lifestyle plays when you are undergoing treatment. *This is a new, improved video, clearer and more concise.* Video length 3:40 minutes. Transcript of […]

Pyramid of Health